Petition to the European Parliament
A Petition to recognise the rights of ME Sufferers in Europe has been sent to all members of the European Parliament, including Irelands 12 MEPs listed here:
Emer Costello
Gay Mitchell
Paul Murphy
Liam Aylward
Nessa Childers
Mairead McGuinness
Brian Crowley
Seán Kelly
Phil Prendergast
Pat the Cope Gallagher
Marian Harkin
Jim Higgins
Further details can be obtained at the Eurpean ME Alliance website at
Dear Members of the European Parliament,
The European ME Alliance (EMEA) is a grouping of European organisations that are involved in supporting patients suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) - (in some countries ME is embraced in the term ME/CFS or even CFS) and the Alliance campaigns for a strategy of biomedical research into ME in order to providetreatments and cures for this neurological disease.
The Alliance consists of member organisations from Belgium, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and UK.
The representatives of the European ME Alliance wish to ask for your support of the attached petition.
The petition seeks to ensure that member states of the EU abide by, enforce and respect the following: -
• that myalgic encephalomyelitis is treated as a neurological disease
• the medical and civil rights of people suffering from ME are respected
• the most recent criteria for diagnosis of ME are used by member states
• biomedical research on ME is fostered and funded by the EU
• discrimination against people with ME is stopped
EMEA Belgium will represent the Alliance in any discussions with the EU that are held in Brussels.
We hope we can count on your support for this petition.
Yours Sincerely,
The Chairman, Board and Members of the European ME Alliance
European ME Alliance
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) was accepted by the WHO as a neurological disease in 1969.
In some countries ME is referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). In 1993 CFS was added as an addendum to ICD-10 but the “fatigue”-based definition of CFS still causes confusion and problems for patients, as was stated by Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou, former European Health Commissioner.
ME can occur in outbreaks: one was described for the first time in 1934.Experts have placed ME in the same category as cancer and late stage AIDS regarding quality of life and suffering. We therefore request the following:
- to respect the WHO ICD-10-Code G93.3 for ME as a neurological disease and ensure that the Member States implement this in their Health Care System;
- to respect the rights of ME patients – including children - in all Member States;
- to endorse as diagnostic criteria for ME the Canadian Consensus Criteria and the developing International Consensus Criteria;
- to encourage the development of biomedical research.
An estimated 1.200.000 very sick ME patients in Europe are waiting for parliament to recognise the WHO ICD-10-Code G93.3. |
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