This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

Key messages for primary care on the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS

Saturday, May 25th. 2019. Registration starts at 9:15 am with first talk at 9:30 am.

Registration: Contact 087-9653431 or email

People are asked to register in advance if possible, though it will also be possible to register on the day.

This is a *doctor-only* event.

Venue: Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport, Old Airport Rd, Cloghran, Co Dublin.

The main item is a talk by Dr Ros Vallings entitled "Overview of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME". Dr Vallings will also introduce two video clips aimed at GPs by two world-renowned ME/CFS paediatricians, on severe ME/CFS and the diagnosis and management of paediatric ME/CFS. The event will also include two twenty-minute Q&A sessions with Dr Vallings and a break for refreshments. It will finish at noon.

Dr Ros Vallings MNZM, MB BS is a GP who is recognised as the leading expert on ME/CFS in New Zealand. She has seen thousands of patients with ME/CFS in her practice over the last 40 years and regularly gives educational talks to medical professionals. She was the recipient of the Nelson Ganz Award for Outstanding Clinician in 2016. She is also the author of three books on ME/CFS and co-author of the IACFS/ME physicians' primer.

Registered doctors are required to record a minimum of 20 External Credits (maintenance of knowledge and skills) per year. This event has been allocated 2 External Credits.

Doctors are also allowed to claim back for study leave allocation: This event has been allocated - ½ day. The rebate to doctors therefore is 98.62 euro

The main reason of course why a doctor should attend this conference is to broaden their knowledge of ME which in turn will benefit their patients with ME. We therefore would request that you, if in a position to do so, bring the particulars of this conference to your GP's attention.

Organised by the Irish ME/CFS Association & the Irish ME Trust


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