This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

London ME Conference 2007

The second London Conference to be organised by Invest in ME has been scheduled for 1st & 2nd May in Westminster.

The Irish ME Trust would like to see a GP or Consultant from Ireland interested in travelling to this meeting, as we feel that the knowledge gained from attendance at this forum would allow for a greater understanding of the varying complexities involved in ME and CFS and in turn benefit patients who present at the surgery or consultancy room. In this regard, we are prepared to cover all expenses, including registration, should a medical practitioner express an interest in attending. If you know of any such practitioner, please contact us and we will put the necessary arrangements in place.

Once again, there is a very impressive line up assembled for this conference. The first day (1st May) is a more informal day with group presentations and designed for healthcare professionals and ME Support groups. The second day (2nd May) is the formal presentation day for healthcare professionals - doctors, paediatricians, nurses, researchers, students etc.

The list of speakers will include –

Dr. Abhijit Chaudhuri –
Consultant Neurologist at the Essex Centre of Neurological Science;

Professor Kenny De Meirleir -
Professor of Physiology and Internal Medicine at Free University of Brussels;

Dr. Ian Gibson -
MP for Norwich North and chair of the Parliamentary Inquiry into ME;

Professor Malcolm Hooper -
Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland;

Dr. Byron Hyde -
Nightingale Research Foundation;

Professor Nigel Speight -
Consultant Paediatrician at Durham University Hospital;

Dr. Jonathan Kerr -
Senior Lecturer in Inflammation, St George's University OF London;

Dr. Sarah Myhill –
GP and Secretary of the British Society of Allergy Environmental Medicine;

Ellen Piro -
President of the Norwegian ME Association;

Professor Basant Puri -
Consultant at Hammersmith Hospital;

Dr. Martin Pall -
School of Molecular Biosciences at Washington State University USA;

Dr. Vance Spence -
Chairman ME Research UK;

Annette Whittemore -
Chairman of Board of Directors HHV-6 Foundation and Nevada CFS Institute.

For full details of this conference , please see HERE


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