This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

Assessment and Treatment of Patients with ME/CFS:
Clinical Guidelines for Psychiatrists

Author: Eleanor Stein MD FRCP(C)

This paper will:

Define ME/CFS

Explain why ME/CFS is not a psychiatric disorder despite that a significant subgroup of patients have psychiatric diagnoses.

Outline how to differentiate the symptoms of ME/CFS from those of depression and anxiety.

Suggest a treatment approach for common psychiatric symptoms in patients with ME/CFS.

Summarize psychological treatment issues in patients with ME/CFS.

Explain issues relevant to children and adolescents with ME/CFS.

Discuss the treatment issues of drug sensitivity and the utility of Cognitive

Behavior Therapy and Graded Exercise in patients with ME/CFS.

Full document at


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