This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

A Future for European Research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

The European ME Alliance (EMEA) recently joined the European Federation of Neurological Associations in order to promote ME in Europe. 

EMEA have also had discussions on forming a European Advisory Board which would allow EMEA to discuss, initiate and fund biomedical research into ME. 

This has led to further development of the idea. 

During the recent Invest in ME BRMEC5 meeting in May this year, discussions with European researchers were conducted about the future of ME research and how better to coordinate and link together research activity in several European countries. 

Based upon these conversations there appears to be overwhelming support and enthusiasm from the group of researchers whom IiME/EMEA have brought together to work cooperatively and more effectively. 

Forming a group or consortia of European researchers represents a very progressive step in not only helping to establish new collaborations and cement on-going ones but also in developing new research ideas and priorities and bidding for funds that would allow us to work together on joint projects. 

This is the genesis of EMERG! The European ME Research Group 

The charity and EMEA colleagues are arranging the inaugural meeting in London this autumn - a new and exciting venture for ME research. 

Facilitated also by supportive MPs, IiME will convene the first meeting to bring this together in the hope that rapid and lasting progress can be made in the research, treatment and cure for myalgic encephalomyelitis. 

More information will be provided later. 

In the meantime EMEA will be setting up a competition to devise a logo for EMERG – The European ME Research Group. 

A European logo design competition will help inform patients/members about this development and keep all involved in its progress. 

Details of the competition will be available soon here on EMEA’s website – but we invite all European patients to begin thinking of designs to support this bold, new venture




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