This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service Blood Ban for People With ME

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service has now indicated on its website that people with ME/CFS can no longer donate blood. Although no replies were received to letters sent, the Irish ME Trust did send a letter on this matter to our Chief Medical Officer, Dr Tony Houlihan as far back as October 2009. The European ME Alliance (EMEA) also sent a letter to then Minister for Health Mary Harney on the subject in April 2010.

A reply in the FAQ section of The Irish Blood Transfusion Service website has now indicated that a blood donation ban on people with ME/CFS came into place on 9th August 2010. This ban pre-dates the UK ban which came into force on November 1st 2010.

The text in the website insertion is outlined below.

For those interested in the continuing debate on XMRV, the following link from the Phoenix Rising website will give a flavour on the divided opinion on XMRV.–Coffin-Debate-CFS-NIH




Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have / have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Can I give blood?

No you cannot give blood if you currently have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or if you have had it in the past.

CFS is also knows as M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome.  Prior to early August 2010 donors who had a history of CFS/ME could give blood, provided that they had completely recovered and were feeling well.  On 9th August 2010, we introduced a permanent exclusion for donors who have ever had CFS/ME even if they had fully recovered.  We changed the guidelines because:

Donor Safety: CFS/ME is a condition where people can relapse and become ill again.  We were concerned that there was a theoretical risk(i.e. a very small risk) that donating blood could make symptoms worse or provoke a relapse.

Recipient Safety: Scientists have recently identified a possible link between CFS/ME and a virus called XMRV.  A lot of research is being done in this area at present, and the results are conflicting.  Some studies have found no link between CFS/ME and XMRV.  Even if further research proves that there is a definite link between CFS/ME and XMRV, this does notmean that the virus causes the disease.

Despite the fact that the link has not been proven, we took the decision to change our guidelines, as a precautionary measure, to protect blood recipients (i.e. patients who receive blood) until more is known about XMRV.

We will keep abreast of developments in this area and will review our guidelines if further data become available.




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