This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

Survey on VegEPA

Ailish McCabe

I wish to contact people who are taking Vegepa to see how effective it is for PWME.

Prof. Puri's work on Essential Fatty Acids is very interesting and I am doing a survey on behalf of Prof. Puri and Prof Avakiel. It is hoped that the results will be of interest to anyone with ME/CFS considering essential fatty acid supplements. Any ensuing report on the survey will be posted on this website in due course.

Confidentiality is assured as everyone in the survey is referred to by number rather than by name and personal data is not revealed to anyone. I will phone anyone interested in participating in the survey so no cost will be incurred by respondents. The length of the phone call will be decided by the respondent and very few questions are asked in order to avoid exhausting respondents. Approximately 100 respondents would be required in order to make the survey meaningful to future research.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely
Ailish McCabe

The purpose of the survey is twofold:

(a). To get an idea of how effective EPA is for PWME

(b) To see if there are cases where Vegepa is not of major benefit and if
so to identify a possible cause which may then be resolved

Of particular interest are

Any differences noticed while taking Vegepa, (negative or positive) Nutrition while taking Vegepa Other supplements or medications Activity levels Case history Exposure to Toxins or pathogens Intake of sugar, caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, trans fats. Stress levels Previous test results and diagnosis Intentions on continuing Vegepa capsules Personal data – age, sex, etc. Confidentiality is assured – i.e. no names will be used in any report.

Anyone interested in taking part in the survey may contact me by email or by text on my mobile phone and I will ring them at a time that is mutually convenient.

Mobile 086 1930 402


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