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ME Retreat Weekend

The following relates to the ME Retreat Weekend at the Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre (Dechen Shying) , near Castletownbere in County Cork.
The dates in question are from Friday 26th September to Sunday 28th September.  Due to this weekend being subsidised, the cost per individual is €75.00 per person sharing.
The itinerary is laid out as follows:


Friday 5.00-6.30pm – Evening Meal
Friday 6.30pm-8.00pm – Introductory session with Guided Meditation
Saturday 8.00-10.30am – Breakfast
Saturday 9.00 – 9.45am - Guided Resting Meditation
Saturday 11.00am – 12.00pm – Mindfulness Class
Saturday 1.00pm – Lunch
Saturday 3.00pm-4.00pm - Loving Kindness session.
Saturday 6.00pm – Evening Meal
Sunday 8.00-10.30am – Breakfast.

Building and Surrounds

The following links give a good sense the inside of the building and the surroundings. Sample photos below.

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The following is from Corina Duyn and can be found at the link -

Dechen Shying, a place of extraordinary generosity
I had heard about the Dechen Shying Care Centre in West Cork from several friends. I had looked at the website many many times since. In March I finally made plans to visit, to stay for a week and find my "balance" again. Am I glad I did!

Dechen Shying, means Heaven of the Great Bliss in Tibetan. Their website states that Dechen Shying is a unique place in an area of unspoilt natural beauty in West Cork in Ireland. We aim to serve people from all walks of life facing life challenges, such as ill health, disability, life-limiting illness, or a bereavement or loss, as well as families, carers and supporters.

What I found was a place of extraordinary beauty and generosity. I realised I needed my mobility scooter to get around the building, which by the way is fully wheelchair accessible, as I could not trust my legs.
Acceptance. That big word. Acceptance.
How many times do we have to enter this uneasy space...?
(I am in the process to obtain support... but that is a story in itself.)

Creativity is my way to combat the challenges. I accept that!
I very much enjoyed working on my sculptures, which I left in the collection of the Centre. I called them "Work in Progress" as they are not really finished, but neither is my journey of re-emerging.

For the past few months I had the feeling I had sunk into a very rough place, and had found it much more difficult to find a way out again. Although I obviously have dealt with challenges of relapses before, I somehow seem to have lost the ability to see beyond it this time round. As one friend stated in an email, " I know you will make it fuel for your creativity whether you like it or not".
Of course she was right.
Initially an image of a figure rising out of a rock came to mind. But while at Dechen Shying, I realised there were images proceeding this re-emerging. One of sinking into the stone, one of a hand reaching out catching the light again and drawing it into the darkness.

Throughout the week I rested, meditated, contemplated, reflected, cried, laughed, slept, ate, wrote, talked with fellow guests and staff, and just looked out the window at these glorious views.

Dechen Shying is a place where you can do all that. It is a place to rejuvenate, to take time to evaluate where you're at, with the background support of the staff.
I had landed in heaven, at the edge of Ireland.


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