Dr Anne Macintyre RIP
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Dr Anne Macintyre, who was medical advisor to the Irish ME Trust, as well as a number of other ME organisations. As well as attending our ME Therapy Week on County Louth for nearly all of the years between 2003 and 2016, Anne visited a number of people in their homes across the country in 2012, often staying in her trusty camper van at different locations. While she didn't stand on ceremony, she was a straight talker and you knew exactly where you stood with her.
Her book M. E.: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Practical Guide, was essential reading for people diagnosed with ME when it first hit the shelves. She had been planning an update of the book in recent times and tried dictaphone software at one point because her arthritis meant that typing was becoming a problem. She also had planned to use her trip to St. Helena as a time where she could relax and work on her book. That didn't happen as she was busy reconnecting with friends and even considered stopping there at one point to help out with the medical needs of the population. If memory serves, she actually hiked a lift on a battleship for the last leg of the journey to St. Helena. Such was the indomitable nature of the woman.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
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