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Dr Byron Hyde's Little Red Book

Dr. Byron Hyde - as pictured at the Second World Congress on CFS, held in Brussels in 1999

The Irish ME Trust has been granted permission by Dr. Byron Hyde to reproduce his Little Red Book which was distributed to attendees at the 2006 May Conference on ME in London expertly organised by Invest in ME.

This is the full text of this brilliantly written book, compiled in only 2-3 days just prior to the meeting in London. Dr Hyde also wishes it to be known that a 100 page book that in greater detail will be hopefully ready by Christmas. Further details on this will emerge on the website of the Nightingale Research Foundation.

Click on Dr Byron Hyde's Little Red Book below for a fascinating read - not only for his insight into determining the differences between ME and CFS - not only into his unrelenting advice to investigate illness - but also for his personal account of his direct involvement into matters which has shaped the history of ME over the past few decades, not least his one man journey to confront Dr Colin McEvedy, the psychiatrist who did as much damage as anybody to deny future ME sufferers deserved care and attention from the medical community.

Little Red Book


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