Wine Tasting Evening in Dungarvan:
A girl called Svieta, from Dungarvan, has arranged to hold a Wine-Tasting Evening. This will be held upstairs at 'The Diplomat Bar', Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford on Wednesday, the 9th of November at 8pm. Svieta has very kindly agreed to donate the proceeds from the night to the Waterford M.E./C.F.S. Support Group. As you can imagine we are thrilled
with this as it is very difficult for M.E. Sufferers to raise funds for M.E. Research. Svieta has a friend with M.E. and this is one of the reasons that she chose M.E. as the charity she wanted to support this year.
It sounds like it could be a good night especially for people who'd like to try out different wines. Unfortunately, I'm don't think I'all be able attend myself as have a prior engagement. However, Martha Joy, a fellow M.E. Sufferer, from Dungarvan, hopes to go along to represent us - again pending her health on the night. Finger food will be served on the night and Admission is €10.00
If you wish to attend or support this event, tickets can be purchased from Svieta at the Diplomat Off Licence / Bar, Abbeyside, Dungarvan. If you plan to attend but cannot purchase your ticket until you arrive on the night please ring Svieta a.s.a.p. on
058 - 23182 or 086 - 1256699 and you can reserve a ticket. It is important for her to know how many will be attending so that she can finalise the catering arrangements.
Annmarie Buckley
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