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Dublin Women's Mini Marathon June 2007

Flora Women's Mini Marathon
Dublin City
Bank Holiday Monday 4th June 2007.

We are inviting persons to partake in the Flora Women's Mini Marathon. All proceeds raised will be presented to Dr Vance Spence, Chairman of MERUK for their crucial work in conducting biomedical research into ME. Dr Vance Spence says,

"Biomedical research into ME, a condition which principally involves debilitating malaise and pain, is vital. Studies show that up to 0.4% of the populations of developed countries (16,500 in the Irish Republic) have ME, but ME Research UK is one of the very few organisations in the world dedicated to uncovering the causes. Illnesses are most easily accepted when they have a specific clinical or scientific thumbprint - a biochemical test, a cluster of specific symptoms or signs, etc. - that allows and confers legitimacy in the eyes of healthcare professionals. Until then, patients are in a no man's land between the living and the well. The discovery of a clinical or scientific thumbprint for ME - indicative of the physical terrain - would be the single transforming event in the lives of many thousands of people. We believe that this aim can be achieved if scientific effort and funding are targeted towards biomedical research, leading to therapeutic intervention and treatment.

I am delighted that some of the runners in the Dublin Flora Women's Mini Marathon will be running for our biomedical research programme. I was a sportsman myself before I got ill with ME, so I do recognise what runners go through with their training and on the day. I am full of admiration for them, and send them our warmest thanks for their terrific achievement and support for the charity”.

If you know someone who would be interested in taking part in this event, either running, jogging or walking, please contact us at and we will supply details of entering the event.


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