This section will document items of interest in the world of ME/CFS, both nationally and internationally. Please click on a link to browse the relevant data.

This is a website dealing with information on severe ME.

One of our members has contacted us to say that adopting Paul Cheney's NMH ( Neurally-Mediated Hypotension ) Treatment Protocol for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has eased his symptoms somewhat. These symptoms would include bouts of feeling very cold twinned with dizziness. The protocol allowed the body temperature to regulate. Symptoms also reported to have eased include extreme fatigue, palpitations and clarity of thought and concentration (he is now reading I, Claudius - no mean feat for an ME sufferer). Paul Cheney's article on NMH, in which he advises the use of sea salt and licorice root tablets with glycerizzin (available from any good health shop) dates from 2002 and can be viewed here

Paul Cheney was thrust into the ME limelight way back in 1984 when the practice in which he worked at in Incline Village near the shores of Lake Tahoe in Nevada became inundated with previously healthy people who began to display new and strange symptoms, later to be diagnosed as CFS. In 1993 (all of twelve years ago) Dr Cheney was invited to address the US Department of Health and Human Services' Food and Drink Scientific Advisory Committee. His account of what the position held for ME/CFS/CFIDS sufferers back then could easily be applied to today. Read Dr Cheney's testimony to the FDA Committee here

For those with a further interest in the thoughts of Paul Cheney, the following is a transcript of a CFS Radio Program interview from 1999, hosted by Roger G. Mazlen, M.D.

And a further article from 2002 explaining Dr. Paul Cheney's method of prescribing oxygen for ME/CFS patients can be viewed here


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